Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Looking at these two magazine cover’s different mastheads, you can see that they have some similarities, even though the covers themselves look nothing alike. Both magazine covers have their mastheads partially hidden behind the heads of the main feature of the magazine, possibly because they are already very well known, so people know their names anyway, and another very likely reason is that when the readers try to read the titles their attention goes over to the famous person on the cover instead, and if the person likes this artist it’s a big draw-in for them to buy the magazine. You can also see on both covers that the artist stares at you. I’m saying staring instead of looking because their eyes follow you no matter where you move the cover, as long as it’s not upside down, then you could probably escape, but the point is that when cover does this then (again) it draws more attention when you walk past it in a store. Another thing both magazines have in common is the genres these two artists perform. Both artists do R&B and soul music, but the magazine to the left also has more pop in in as Adele also performs some pop music, and the magazine to the right has more jazz in in as Amy Winehouse used to work with that kind of music.  But even with all these different things to make the reader choose which magazine he/she would like to read, the colour use is also really important, and the magazine to the right isn’t really doing anything special to really get attention, thinking of the kind of faded picture, but they did use a red colour to make people turn their eyes towards their most interesting/important stories. The magazine to the right used… a lot of colours, but did it in a way that made it really pretty to look at with a kind of modern twist that leads to their main story leading all the treads from other stories to the main story.

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